Tuesday, October 25, 2005
So this morning I got caught in this loop with Zelly. She said that she wanted Maritza to move away. I didn't really wanna play along so I just said "ok". Then she said "But then I'll never get to see her again" and started to bawl hysterically. So I told her that Maritza could stay. She said that wasn't cool cause she wanted her to leave then she said that she'd miss her, after I said that I'd make her go.
It was totally annoying and it went on for three or four minutes before I told her that I was fed up with her bullshit and that her mommy pays rent and that she doesn't and if anyone was gonna leave it'd be her little freeloading ass. It was funny cause she asked me what rent was so I told her that it was money we paid to live in our house. I think that notion flabergsted her. It's not hard to flabergast a three year old though. just stick a balloon to the wall with static and you're god.
Oh, i saw this movie THE ISLAND with SCARLETT JOHANSON, the movie was Ok, it looked pretty but really lacked plot but anyhow one of the characters said something interesting he said, when asked who god was that you know how you wish and wish and hope for something to happen well, god is the guy who ignores you. I also heard once that maybe the voice you hear in your head when you think, maybe it's not yours. The implication was that it was the LORD but who knows, maybe it's someone else, like Batman or L Ron Hubbard.. Am i the only one who wouldn't be suprised to find out that Katie Holmes was artificially insiminated to have a like anImmaculate conception or whatever, like a scientology jesus or some shit?
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It was totally annoying and it went on for three or four minutes before I told her that I was fed up with her bullshit and that her mommy pays rent and that she doesn't and if anyone was gonna leave it'd be her little freeloading ass. It was funny cause she asked me what rent was so I told her that it was money we paid to live in our house. I think that notion flabergsted her. It's not hard to flabergast a three year old though. just stick a balloon to the wall with static and you're god.
Oh, i saw this movie THE ISLAND with SCARLETT JOHANSON, the movie was Ok, it looked pretty but really lacked plot but anyhow one of the characters said something interesting he said, when asked who god was that you know how you wish and wish and hope for something to happen well, god is the guy who ignores you. I also heard once that maybe the voice you hear in your head when you think, maybe it's not yours. The implication was that it was the LORD but who knows, maybe it's someone else, like Batman or L Ron Hubbard.. Am i the only one who wouldn't be suprised to find out that Katie Holmes was artificially insiminated to have a like anImmaculate conception or whatever, like a scientology jesus or some shit?
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