Tuesday, March 02, 2004
So, it's tuesday. In a minute i'm gonna take a bath. I like to do that, take a bath. I guess i like the heat. It's not important really. I had a friend tell me recently that sometimes i trail off my words toward the end of a sentence. It's, now it's like i can't imagine ever doing such a thing. Before i think once i'd mentally formulated what i had to say then after that i didn't really feel the need to actually continue talking. I don't know, it isn't like it's actually important. She said she thought that it was interesting, my wife thinks it's kind of annoying cause she wants to hear what it is that i have to say, can't imagine why that would be. It's usually not really that interesting. It's prolly something about me. I like to talk about myself, write about myself too. Well, it's not like that's news or anything.. Well, what's up with me? Nada. Uhm, i've written two comics over the last two day. I'm all Brian Bendis and shit. Here is a picture that i scanned and got all goofy with and shit. Make note, it has boobies in it and i was smoking like shit ass giant amounts of weed. It's funny though, sort of... i'm out.. some old lady limps, the pushers and pimps eat shrimps....
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