Saturday, September 20, 2003
I'm at work. I work in a basement. It's really a cheery place. The air conditioning is out which is nice because it's like 451 degrees and shit. Oh well. I bought coffee which was way stupid. I should have bought pepsi and now i'm broke. What a loser. My wife is out of town for the night. I have nothing bachelor like to do, maybe i'll rent a movie or something. Who cares. I'll prolly just work on my gay ass comic book and drink myself to sleep. It's cool to be me sometimes.
I should be working but it's hot. What a puss, huh? I think of dudes who like have really hard shit to do like pick coffee beans or something and i get all bent out of shape cause the air conditioner isn't conditioning. FUCK. they should fire me. I'd fire me. You know what? I'd have never hired me in the first place.
How smart is that? I'd have hired some immigrant who thinks it's hella dope to do stupid ass work for a totally shit wage. We have a couple of them here. Everyone loves them, except me. I don't love any of the dicks i work with. Well there is this one really cute librarian who seems kind of fresh but she's a real rarity in the field. Most the rest of them are total whackos..
Think about that the next time your asking for some reference help. The old lady helping you is WAY nuttser then you could ever hope to be. Even if you shot up Kobain levels of horse, still you'd be left eating dust in a crazy contest with the run of the mill librarian... word up.
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I should be working but it's hot. What a puss, huh? I think of dudes who like have really hard shit to do like pick coffee beans or something and i get all bent out of shape cause the air conditioner isn't conditioning. FUCK. they should fire me. I'd fire me. You know what? I'd have never hired me in the first place.
How smart is that? I'd have hired some immigrant who thinks it's hella dope to do stupid ass work for a totally shit wage. We have a couple of them here. Everyone loves them, except me. I don't love any of the dicks i work with. Well there is this one really cute librarian who seems kind of fresh but she's a real rarity in the field. Most the rest of them are total whackos..
Think about that the next time your asking for some reference help. The old lady helping you is WAY nuttser then you could ever hope to be. Even if you shot up Kobain levels of horse, still you'd be left eating dust in a crazy contest with the run of the mill librarian... word up.
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